Snow Findings is excited to announce the acquisition of about 100 tools from the former Frank Morrow Co.. Unfortunately the vast majority of their beautiful artwork has been destroyed forever. A small segment, made up of mostly animals, sea life and insects, has been preserved here. We will be working to make these designs available in copper and steel as quickly as possible. Currently available items are available below.

Cardinal, 5.5" x 3"
Hummingbird, Steel. 4.75" x 4.25"

Dragonfly, Large, 5.875" x 4.375"

Sleigh Ornament, 5.25" x 3.75"

Dragonfly, Small, 2.5" x 2"

Snail ornament, 4.5" x 2.375"

Monkey stamping, 4.5" x 4.25"

Holiday French Horn 6" x 4"

Holiday wreath stamping, 4.375"

Bear Walking, 5.25" x 3"

Seashell dish, 6"x 4.25"x 1.25"

Conch-style dish. 6.375"x 4.5"x 1.25"